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Last Edit: @smk762 ,


Use this method to activate Tendermint coins (COSMOS/IRIS/OSMOSIS) and IBC assets in a single command.

tickerstringTicker of the platform protocol coin. Options: ATOM, IRIS, OSMOSIS
mm2integerRequired if not set in coins file. Informs the AtomicDEX API whether or not the coin is expected to function. Accepted values are 0 or 1
tokens_paramsarray of objectsA list of standard TokensRequest objects.
priv_key_policystringOptional, defaults to ContextPrivKey. value can be ContextPrivKey,Trezor when AtomicDEX-API is built for native platforms. value can be ContextPrivKey, Trezor, Metamask when the AtomicDEX-API is built targeting wasm
tx_historybooleanOptional, defaults to false. If true the AtomicDEX API will preload transaction history as a background process. Must be set to true to use the my_tx_history method
required_confirmationsintegerOptional, defaults to 3. When the platform coin is involved, the number of confirmations for the AtomicDEX API to wait during the transaction steps of an atomic swap
requires_notarizationbooleanOptional, defaults to false. If true, coins protected by Komodo Platform's dPoW security will wait for a notarization before progressing to the next atomic swap transactions step.
get_balancesbooleanOptional, defaults to true. If false, coin and token balances will not be returned in the response, and the response will be returned more quickly.

current_blockintegerBlock height of the coin being activated
tickerstringTicker of the platform protocol coin, as input in the request.
addressstringAn address for the activated coin
balanceobjectOnly returned when get_balances is true. A standard BalanceInfos object.
tokens_balancesarray of objectsOnly returned when get_balances is true. A list of standard AddressInfo objects, one for each token.
tokens_tickersarrayOnly returned when get_balances is false. A list of each token which was activated.

  "method": "enable_tendermint_with_assets",
  "mmrpc": "2.0",
  "params": {
    "ticker": "IRIS",
    "tokens_params": [
        "ticker": "ATOM-IBC_IRIS"
    "rpc_urls": [
  "userpass": "testpsw"

  "method": "enable_tendermint_with_assets",
  "mmrpc": "2.0",
  "params": {
    "ticker": "IRIS",
    "tokens_params": [
        "ticker": "ATOM-IBC_IRIS"
    "rpc_urls": [
    "tx_history": true,
    "get_balances": false
  "userpass": "testpsw"